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Here you can find a repository with some articles' summaries about different subjects to learn English. A project carried out in Intensive English Class 2017-02 with Mr. James Blackburn.

English Articles 2017-02

Here you can find a repository with some articles’ summaries about different subjects to learn English. A project carried out in Intensive English Class 2017-02 with Mr. James Blackburn.

The idea is that you upload your article summary with this details inside:

 0. File name and Extension: Article ## - Title.pdf  1. Written by: ___

  1. Article title: ___
  2. Taken from: URL
  3. Summary.
  4. Your opinion.

And that’s all. You’ve done it!

How to upload your files to this repository?

It is necessary that you are already signed up to GitHub

  1. Click on Fork button of this repo at the right top of the page.
  2. Once, you’ve already forked, you’re going to have a copy of this repo in your account.
  3. Drag your files to your repo copy for uploading them.
  4. Send a Pull request from your repo copy to the original one, and wait for the response.

And that’s all. I will accept your request as soon as I could and merge it with my repo to have the FINAL PROJECT COMPLETE!! Full 100%.

:D Enjoy your experience with this amazing platform!